Our Sanctuary

Our sanctuary is located in the very northwest tip of Virginia in the town of Cross Junction. Our 34-acre mountain property provides a wooded, peaceful forever haven to pigs and a variety of other animals.

Our Sanctuary Includes:

  • Over 65 pigs housed in spacious outdoor pens and comfortable living quarters
  • Elder pig barn for older pigs needing extra care and comfort
  • Horse barn shelter with hay / straw storage area
  • Large field and pasture for horse grazing
  • Bunny Borough House (home to rescued bunny rabbits)
  • Cat cubby and play areas for our rescued feral felines
  • Roomy chicken coop for free range fowl
  • Indoor ferret room
  • Scenic mountain / forest views for all animals to enjoy

Featured Sanctuary Areas

Bert and Zeus’ Neighborhood

Bert and Zeus’ Neighborhood is the largest pig area on the sanctuary and features a series of inter-connected pens that give a home to a majority of our pig residents. It is named for pigs Bert and Zeus, who were our first rescued pigs after officially becoming a nonprofit organization.

Hulk’s Haven

Hulk’s Haven is one very large pen area that is home to another one of our pig herds. The pen is aptly named for its leader, Hulk!

The Lucky Lot

The Lucky Lot is home to our largest pigs on the sanctuary. All pigs here are considered “lucky” as they would have been sadly butchered for meat if not rescued and given a forever home here.

Mary’s Piggily Pleasant Pen for Friendly Pigs

Mary’s Piggily Pleasant Pen for Friendly Pigs is home to our pigs that thrive on human interaction and attention. Here guided tour visitors can spend time with pigs that love to be pet to experience how special pigs are up-close and personal. It features two large cabins for comfortable pig shelters, roomy pen space, and a piggy pool area.

Which pigs live at Mary’s Piggily Pleasant Pen for Friendly Pigs?

North Pig Pen

The North Pig Pen is located on the north-end of the sanctuary property. This pen features a double indoor shelter with a large roofed-in area for keeping dry and/or cool in the shade. The pen name is also a nod to the “Christmas Six” pigs that live here as well.

Which pigs live at the North Pig Pen?

Nicky’s Barn

Nicky’s Barn is home to our elder pigs and/or pigs that need some extra care and comfort. The barn features ample outdoor pens and very spacious indoor living quarters for maximum comfort. The barn is named for pig Nicky who was the first to live here before he passed from old age.

Which pigs live at Nicky’s Barn?

Tulip’s Meadow

Tulip’s Meadow is a memorial area which serves as the final resting place for animals that have passed away while living at our sanctuary. It is named for Tulip, the first pig that passed away here after Piggins and Banks was founded. After cremation, the deceased animal’s ashes are buried in the ground and marked with a natural rock headstone found on the property with their name carved into it.

Which pigs are buried in Tulip’s Meadow?

Sanctuary Photo Gallery

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