Aaron Riddle


Bertha was a pig who had a very rough life of over breeding and neglect until she was saved by Pigsburgh Squealers Rescue and then placed into our care.

Mr P the Pig

Mr. P

Mr. P the Pig was a very overweight pig when he first joined us, but with some exercise and a healthy eating regiment, he shed the pounds and now is slim and trim!


Gloria was captured in the wild by a good samaritan after escaping a neglect situation. She is a true survivor and is fortunate to have a loving forever home here.

Onyx the pig


Onyx is a large, gentle pig that loves to gobble up his meals! He lives with his best friend Bruce in our area for larger pigs.

Bruce the pig


Bruce is a large, gentle pig and loves to scratch his head or rump on tree trunk. He also can always be found with as mile on his face!

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