What a year 2022 was for us at Piggins and Banks! Thanks to the amazing support of our donors, pig sponsors, volunteers, and followers around the world we saw great things happen here to help our pigs and other animals.
So what all happened in 2022? A PIG TON!
Fundraising and Expenses

Over $54,000 was raised in donations through pig sponsorships, fundraisers, and various other donations throughout 2022! To show how important this number is, our total expenses for the year were close to $51,000. So in other words, nearly every penny raised was spent towards the care of our pigs and animals, which is why your support is so important. Our top expenses of the year were animal feed ($21,600), veterinary / animal care services ($9,700), building materials ($4,000), and straw / hay / bedding ($3,300). Note: You can view our full financial report here once it is posted at the beginning of January 2023.
New Animal Residents

We welcomed 11 new pigs residents to their forever home in 2022 bringing our rescued pig total to 62! Our new pigs this year were the Christmas Six (Millie, Gannie, Christina, Sophie, Philly, Piggie Smalls), Penelope, Kevin, Sally, and Ophelia. This year we also rescued three new cat friends (Apple, Athena, and Apollo) and welcomed a new rescue dog to the family (Teodor, who came all the way from Russia).
Sadly, we said goodbye to two of our pig friends as well. Nicky and Piggie Smalls crossed over the rainbow bridge during 2022. One of our rabbits, Sampson, and one of our ferrets, Bowser, also joined them. All were buried in our memorial area known as Tulip’s Meadow.
Pig Projects Completed

On the project side, we saw the completion, construction, and renovation of several new pig areas! An older barn was fixed up, re-painted, pen areas added, and named Nicky’s Barn which is where our older pigs stay in style and comfort. The North Pig Pen also made its debut with a re-roofed structure and newly expanded, roomier pen. Mr. Banks also got his own “board room” for him and Mary Piggins to meet with people in one-on-one sessions. Last, but certainly not least, we saw the donation of two large, amazing cabins which we turned into our immensely popular Mary’s Piggly Pleasant Pen for Friendly Pigs (where tour visitors can enter and pet pigs to experience them first-hand).
Tours and More

Lots of guided tours were given resulting in some people meeting pigs in-person for the first time ever! Many of our tour visitors have gone on to become pig sponsors and constant supporters of our mission.
Our first public fundraising event ever was held with our movie screening of Gunda at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Winchester, VA.
We also put together several informative and fun videos throughout 2022 as well including:
- A Watermelon Odyssey: 2001 Pig Parody
- Why Save Pigs?
- The Perfect Pig Pen Setup
- Pumpkins for Pigs 2022 Edition
The list could go on and on, but these are some of our favorite highlights from 2022 which make us very proud of what was accomplished this year! All of it is due to your support, so please give yourself a giant pat on the back and accept this giant “TH-OINK YOU!” from us!
We already have some big ideas and plans for 2023, so we will be sharing those with you in the coming months. For now we wish you all a very Happy Hoggy New Year!