Potbelly Pig
Born at Piggins and Banks
12/31/2020 – 5/21/2021
Tulip was the female pink-colored pig of Madison’s piglets. She had no markings or coloring and was completely pink all over from head to tail. When going in for a routine spay operation, she had to undergo an emergency procedure to repair a ruptured bladder. Two days after her procedure we made the incredibly difficult decision to euthanize her. She was getting worse and in a great deal of pain. She was not drinking nor eating and our vet recommended humane euthanasia so she did not have to suffer any longer. Both Mr. and Mrs. Head Hog were by her side when she passed on a peaceful morning surrounded by the trees and nature that she so enjoyed. Shortly afterwards she was buried in a meadow not far from the barn she was born in on New Year’s Eve (after rescuing her mother Madison who was pregnant at the time). We have named this area “Tulip’s Meadow” in her honor, where other pigs will be buried when they move on from this life. Fields of tulips will also be planted there. (Learn more about her history: Madison, Our Rescued Pregnant Pig, Gives Birth to Piglets)