Full capacity. That is where we have stood in terms of animal residents for quite a while. Having a “full capacity number” at the sanctuary is to guarantee that our care and financial resources are not spread too thin. Also, it helps ensure that our rescued pigs and other animals are not “just a number”. It is important that all of them receive daily attention and affection to give them the best quality of life possible.
We see countless pigs every day that need homes and get 2-3 inquiries daily of people that want to surrender their pig to us. It is heartbreaking to have to say no each and every time.
The only place on the sanctuary that we had any possible space for another pig was Mary’s Piggily Pleasant Pen for Friendly Pigs (home of Dude, Jimmy, Penelope, Ophelia, and Clarance). This is the pen our tour visitors are allowed to enter to pet and interact with the pigs close up. Any new pig that would be added to this pen would have to meet several requirements, such as being very outgoing, incredibly friendly, and also very, very young (pigs will fight to establish ranking and young pigs are able to assimilate much quicker).

A short time ago we were alerted to some piglets that were looking to be given a home. Kune Kune piglets to be specific.
We have a soft spot in our heart for Kune Kune pigs. They are an incredibly friendly and out-going breed. Sadly, they are a mini-pig breed (pigs under 300lbs) that are raised most often for meat.
For those of you who have been following our sanctuary since the beginning, you may remember Mick the pig. Mick was a Kune Kune and one of the most beloved pigs here. Raised from a piglet by the Riddle Family, he made the move and was a founding resident of Piggins and Banks. He was also the first pig to ever receive a sponsor! Sadly, Mick passed away in September 2021.
Back to the Kune Kune piglets needing a home.
One of them was a male (like Mick), black and white fur color (like Mick), and also had two wattles on his neck (like Mick!). Knowing that it was likely this little piglet would wind up in the hands of someone looking to raise it for meat, we jumped in and decided to give it a home before that could happen.

His name is Columbo (in honor of the classic TV show starring Peter Falk which Mr. and Mrs. Head Hog have an affinity for) and he has already made his home in the friendly pig pen! Being a piglet he is fast enough to zoom away from the other older pigs when they do not want to be bothered. We have already seen Columbo bedding down together with them for mid-day naps, along with cutting to the front of the line when breakfast and dinner are about to be served!

We are doing a fundraiser towards his upcoming neutering procedure (all our pigs are spayed and neutered for temperament and to prevent terminal cancers down the road). Columbo will also be looking for a sponsor or two.

Please join us in welcoming Columbo to his forever home and family!