Kune Kune Pig
Rescued October 18, 2022
4/22/2020 – 2/16/2025
One-Eared Sally was abandoned at a foreclosed property and saved by Morgan County Animal Control in West Virginia. She lost her one ear in a dog attack. She was very lovable and full of spunk and bit of sass, which is why we called her One-Eared Sassy Sally. (Learn more about her history Welcome One-Eared Sally to Your Forever Home)
In February 2025 Sally passed away suddenly. The evening before she was her normal, vibrant, sassy self enjoying dinner time with her pig friends when we last saw her. Then, the next morning morning when we went out to feed her breakfast, we found her laying where she always sleeps…having passed away peacefully during the night.
Not knowing her true age (with rescues it is always an estimate), her natural cause of death could have been anything from a stroke to heart failure.
She was one of the most popular pigs at the sanctuary. Her pig sponsors, supporters, and fans always asked about Sally and wanted to know what she was up to. Rest in peace, sweet girl.