Some pigs come to us that have had a rough past life. Then there are other pigs we take in who have had a VERY ROUGH past life. Bertha sadly falls into the latter category.
Bertha came into our care through the absolutely wonderful pig rescue organization Pigsburgh Squealers. Even though they are located near Pittsburgh, PA, Bertha ironically came from the Virginia area not too far from us.
While her age is not known exactly, we do know that she was overbred constantly where her babies were taken and sold for money. She lived in a muddy stall that was never cleaned and was burned by a heat lamp. A dog even attacked her at one point and sadly no one cared to treat her wounds. She is also partially blind. After being bred one last time, she was dumped in a ditch and left to die. Thankfully she was found by a wonderful man named Christopher Kirtley and he was able to get her into the care of Pigsburgh Squealers.
After giving her lots of love and care, Pigsburgh Squealers determined Piggins and Banks would be the best place for Bertha to go to live out the rest of her life.

Bertha now lives in her own roomy pen with young piglet Fern to keep her company. Sometimes she needs a little extra help finding her food bowl, but we are there for her every morning and evening to help. Fern also keeps her entertained and they both snuggle together in their shelter to keep cozy warm at night.

Help Support Bertha
We are able to take in pigs like this because of support from people like you! Every pig we take in results in another mouth to feed, veterinary appointment to schedule, and more…all of which cost money. Please consider making a small donation or even sponsoring Bertha as a virtual pig parent. All donations make a positive difference in the lives of our pig residents.