Kevin the pig is our newest resident who comes from the home of a family that loved having him as a pet. Unfortunately due to a divorce resulting in the requirement to move, the family no longer had a residence that allowed pigs, forcing them to find a new home for Kevin.
Having just opened a new Friendly Pig Pen at the sanctuary and moving some pigs into that area, we happened to have an open pen that could accommodate a new pig. Kevin’s family reached out to us and the timing worked out perfectly.
Kevin is around six years old but was never neutered. We informed the family that spaying / neutering is a requirement of all our pigs to help with temperament, and more importantly, prevent terminal cancers. His family was happy to assist in paying for his neutering operation and even worked with us to provide transport for Kevin to our designated pig vet.

Kevin is settling in nicely and as you can see from the below video, all his friends can’t wait to meet him once he has fully adjusted to his new forever home here at Piggins and Banks.
Help Support Kevin
We depend on the support of kind-hearted people to help ensure pigs like these pigs receive the best daily care possible! Please consider making a small donation or even sponsoring them as a virtual pig parent. All donations make a positive difference in the lives of our pig residents. Should you choose to sponsor any pig, you receive a welcome packet, some keepsakes, on-demand updates about him, and even a free ticket to one of our guided tours so you can meet them in person!