“Hands off Jimmy! Don’t touch, Jimmy!” Now that I got my Seinfeld reference out of the way, it is my pleasure to announce the arrival of our newest member of Piggins and Banks, Jimmy the Pig!
If a pig was ever full of life and positivity, that would be Jimmy! Almost a year old, he is energetic and always wants to be front and center to see what is going on. When I drove to Walkersville, MD to pick him up from his family, my first sight was a scene of him galavanting and running around the backyard in such a playful mood.
We discovered Jimmy under a re-homing pig group on social media;

Why would a family seek to re-home this positive pig? Allergies. According to his family, their children have severe allergies to many plants and animals, Jimmy included. They wanted to see him go to a home where he could truly be a pig and root all day long without fear of him tearing up a backyard as well.
Piggins and Banks was of course a perfect match! We love having Jimmy and hope you give him a warm welcome as part of the Piggins and Banks family.

Help support Jimmy! Every time we take in another pig, that is another mouth to feed and snout to care for. Show your appreciation and support by clicking the button below to make a donation. Every amount means the world to us!