
At Piggins and Banks, man’s best friend helps love and protect all human and animal residents.


Beagle Mix • Rescued • 9 years old
Birthday: May 1, 2015

Leroy was abandoned and neglected as a puppy until he was rescued by Briggs Adoption Center in Charles Town, WV. After one of the Riddle Family daughters met him at a summer camp there, they fell in love with him and gave him a new home. He is constantly watching and ready to let loose a beagle “BAWOOOO” bark if there is trouble.

Photo of a dog named Bagel


Basset Hound Beagle Mix • Adopted • 10 months old
Birthday: May 25, 2024

Bagel was adopted by the Riddle family to serve as a companion for Leroy after Teodor’s passing. She loves to be a part of all the daily chores at the sanctuary. One of her favorite things to do is play (or try to play) with any of our cats she encounters throughout the day.

In Memoriam


Mix • Rescued • April 9, 2011 – August 23, 2024

Teodor (or Teddy) as he was known, lived the remaining years of his life as a rescue of Piggins and Bank: Pig and Animal Sanctuary. He was a stray dog found on the streets of Moscow, Russia. There he wandered and slept in abandoned houses often starving. People frequently beat him and drove him away. But Teddy never became angry or developed a hatred for humans. Instead he waited and hoped for his forever friend or family. Teddy was saved by a kind gentleman (and dog rescue owner) who worked in Russia and brought over to the United States in January 2022 immediately before the war with Ukraine began. They nicknamed him “the last dog out of Russia”. When he came to Piggins and Banks for an initial visit in early April 2022, all residents immediately fell in love with his incredibly calm demeanor and exceptional manners. Being that Christie Riddle, one of our co-founders, was a Russian major in college and lived in Moscow for two years was an added bonus of how we know Teddy was a dog who would fit in great at Piggins and Banks. Teddy immediately took to the sanctuary routine of helping stand watch while the pigs and other animals are fed in the early mornings and evenings. He made friends with all outdoor cats roaming the grounds and loved watching the rescue bunnies hop around their pen. Piggins and Banks was honored to give him a wonderful life for the final two years of his time on earth.


Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier • Adopted • November 17, 2011 – December 13, 2021

Dusty came from Kansas as a puppy. He’s was the oldest dog here but always had the youthful energy of a puppy. One time his love of playing in the snow was featured on the cover of a regional magazine. Dusty was a very loving dog and always wanted to be friends with every animal he was around. This included Mary Piggins and Mr. Banks whom he always tried to play with when they were piglets.

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