The vast majority of our pigs at Piggins and Banks are classified as “miniature pigs”. This misleading term is given to pigs that will not grow to be an 800lb farm hog. So yes, we have “mini pigs” that are roughly 300-400lbs.
While our primary mission is giving a home to miniature pigs that have been kept as pets and are no longer wanted, we have a soft spot in our heart for pigs that are born with the ultimate goal of being slaughtered. These farm hogs are born and bred for one thing…to be fed, fattened, and then killed and eaten. Most of the time the conditions they are kept in are inhumane and thinking about their suffering gives us a heavy heart.
After coming across a Craiglist posting for a remaining baby farm hog a local farmer was looking to get rid of, we decided to step in and change the fate of at least one farm pig.

Meet Lucky the Hog
We named him Lucky for obvious reasons since his siblings were not so fortunate to avoid a sad ending. However today we focus on the positives, and that is we have given a forever home to a smart, friendly, intelligent, and wonderfully gentle pig who will grow to around 800lbs!
Right now he is still very young being born at the end of January 2021. We have him in a side pen near our main pig area in the shaded woods where he enjoys watching the other pigs, laying in his wading pools, or flopping around in a mud pit he has made for himself to keep cool.
Help Us Help Lucky
Lucky is going to grow, and grow fast! This means we are going to need to build him a larger pen area where he has room to roam free as a 800lb hog. Please consider making a small donation or even sponsoring Lucky as a virtual pig parent. All donations make a positive difference in the lives of our pig residents. Should you choose to sponsor Lucky, you receive a welcome packet, some keepsakes, on-demand updates about him, and even a free ticket to one of our guided tours so you can meet him in person!