We are sad to announce the passing of one of our biggest and first-ever pig supporters, Alexandra Als Burton.
While fighting cancer multiple times over the past several years, working a full-time job, and being a loving mother and wife, Alex always made time to support our mission of saving pigs. She was a co-worker of Head Hogs and had interest in the pigs long before our sanctuary was established.

Once we made public we were starting a sanctuary, she was one of the first to donate. When we setup our pig sponsorship program, she was one of the first to sponsor a pig (Mick, and then Hulk, once Mick passed away). When we asked for volunteers to say a few words on video about why they support our mission, she was one of the first to sign up.

In late April 2022, she was able to visit Hulk in person and give him a belly rub. Sadly, this is the last time we would ever see her. Every time we asked how she was doing knowing about her on-going cancer battle, she always deflected the attention from her and back to the pigs and animals.

We will miss you Alex. Thank you so much for the years of support and all you did to help the pigs and animals. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.